I was asked to participate in this discussion about true modern-day encounters with monsters and cryptids. It’s mostly focused on werewolves and dogmen, but we also get into some other discussion and give a biblical perspective on much of it.
The stories are sourced from books authored by Linda Godfrey, a journalist who got sucked into cryptid research because of werewolf sightings (the Bray Road Beast) in her hometown of Elkhorn Wisconsin. The stories are mostly credible in my opinion, and we intend to understand what it is these people are experiencing, and if it falls within a biblical worldview.
Please go to the YouTube channel and subscribe if this is something that interests you. My friend Nikola’s channel is Myths, Mysteries, and Majesty. He produces discussion-style interviews on fascinating topics, always intersecting with biblical studies.
Transcript and links farther down this page. Thanks for watching!
Godfrey, Linda S. I Know What I Saw: Modern-Day Encounters with Monsters of New Urban Legend and Ancient Lore. TarcherPerigee, 2020.
Godfrey, Linda S. Monsters Among Us: An Exploration of Otherworldly Bigfoots, Wolfmen, Portals, Phantoms, and Odd Phenomena. Illustrated edition. New York, New York: TarcherPerigee, 2016.
Godfrey, Linda S. Real Wolfmen: True Encounters in Modern America. Illustrated edition. New York: TarcherPerigee, 2012.

“And he said a prayer. And it was the coolest prayer. It was basically a lot like how you kicked it off tonight with your prayer. And they said they didn't experience anything, but they enjoyed nature and the stars and being out in the woods and fellowship with each other. And I just thought that was that was pretty beautiful and kind of speaks to, you know, maybe how we should be approaching this issue with people who've had experiences like this, you know, is that these things happen. God is a big God and he created a big world. We shouldn't just poopoo it and shove things out on the rug, we should minister to these people. And, you know, it can be something that's beautiful…it can be something that's healing…it doesn't have to be something that they're traumatized with their entire lives. They can understand this, in light of…Jesus and…the Principalities and Powers. Some of the Divine Council stuff feeds into this as far as understanding what they're encountering and what happened to them.”
Nikola Hristov Victorious 0:32
Good evening, everyone, and welcome to Myths, Mysteries, and Majesty. As announced a couple of hours ago on social media, our dear friend Eric Manning had to cancel for tonight. And I did not want to cancel the podcast completely for tonight because we have been spoiled by having different live sessions every Sunday night. And because of that, I asked Dain, my good Facebook friend to join me and to talk about a very interesting topic for tonight. And that will be talking and reading when it comes to some true life stories when it comes to people, witnessing cryptids and monsters, especially throughout North America. But before we start diving into that Dain, my brother in colleague, it was so good to see you for the first time. And I know we are scheduling our real theological topic sometime next year, but thank you for finding time to jump in and help me when I was just feeling alone in this. So yeah, again, thank you. And can you please share something with us when it comes to your spiritual and theological background?
Dain Deutschman 1:49
Yeah. Thanks. Nice to be on. I've been going to some Bible colleges and seminaries for a few years. Right now I'm about halfway through Redemption Seminary. It's an online seminary based on Logos Mobile Ed. So pretty interesting. But yeah, we met, and so I did some Dr. Michael Heiser classes. And he's got a group called the Divine Council Worldview. And that's where we met on the DCW group. So yeah, that's it's a, as you know, and probably other viewers know, right. It's probably even though Heiser is technically considered a mainstream scholar, I guess you could technically say that. He's more a little bit more on the fringes with the supernatural topics than your typical scholar or pastor whatnot. So yeah, hence the the some of the topics we'll be talking about tonight, I guess.
Nikola Hristov Victorious 2:54
Yeah. Dr. Heiser. Well, one of his credits, not the only credit, but one of his credits is to be able to gather people around him who are also scholars and all of them being somehow able at a scholarly level to combine Bible mythologies. So called legends, and many supernatural reports of people I witnessing. I don't know werewolves or, or vampires, which, until recently, I will there's attrition, skeptic discard and laugh. But there is a scholarly way of how we can approach these things without necessarily thinking that these creatures in their physical form always exist, whether there's some demonic entity may be behind them. So I always remember not just Dr. Heiser, but there's Dr. Moseley, Judd Burton and some people Yeah, also around him and I would love to get in contact with them and also have them over because I think we can all benefit from them.
Dain Deutschman 4:00
Yeah, what I liked about Heiser in that regard is especially like the UFO, you know, it's the any odd encounter that people are having. Right. But I think he's particularly spend time on UFOs. And what I liked about how he approached it was instead of your typical Christian leader kind of warning against that stuff, that you might get caught up in it, instead of kind of approaching it like that, he's approaching it as, hey, something's going on here with these people. They're experiencing something. And why are we believing in our Bibles, the supernatural realities of Jesus and His resurrection, for example, and we're not we're shunning these other supernatural realities. And, you know, what are these things? What do they mean? Obviously, some, there's people that are, have mental problems. There's like a Lycanthrope, right, that's an actual mental disease. But there's other accounts that are just unexplainable So, and you have people that that are very believable and consistent in their account. So, you know, you know, what did they experience and also, they're experiencing this over generations and in their families, and they're actually bothered by this. They're, they're oppressed in a sense by this. And so you could say it's demonic oppression of some kind. I think. So yeah. To your point. I think we should be paying attention to this. It's not just something to kind of shove off to the side.
Nikola Hristov Victorious 5:41
Yeah, that's a great advice. Thank you for that. I just want to inform the others that tonight we're doing something new in the same way we did couple of episodes where we were theologically assessing, and biblically assessing some popular video games we'll be doing tonight for the first time when it comes to some books. I have heard about this author call Linda S. Godfrey. Her books are all suppose it a true eyewitness accounts when it comes to monsters and cryptids. I got some of her titles, they look very interesting. The first one I want to read and I'll be posting Amazon links later in the description of this video, so you guys can go and support the author, you know, buy her books, and in that way, show appreciation and we do appreciate her because we'll be using a lot of her material. Maybe not even just for tonight. So this is just the beginning. The first book I would like to start this reading and commenting on is called I Know What I Saw - Modern Day Encounters with Monsters of New Urban Legend and Ancient Lore. The book came out three and a half years ago. And the chapter which naturally if you guys know me, the chapter that drew the most attention to me is chapter five called Haunts of the Werewolf. So I have imagined that tonight's episode will be like I said; different. We'll be reading some of the author's chapters from different books. This is the first one and we'll be giving some comments right so it will be a very unorthodox episode, unlike any so far but expect it to be very relaxing […] and maybe even fun. In some instances we are allowed to disagree. We don't have to believe everything we read. I'm even as a Christian I'm still partially a skeptic. But I believe that we can still have some fun and enjoy, maybe, then learn from what we'll be reading right. And I will go first chapter five in his in her book I Know What I Saw is called Haunts of the Werewolf:
“When it comes to legends, few creatures can beat the part wolf entity best known in present day Western society as the werewolf for its sheer longevity of mythic status, and the degree of fascination humans feel for it. I have often said I don't believe in actual Hollywood style werewolves. But I believe that universal curiosity about possible legends is for the reason Elkorns Beast of Bray Road catapulted into the national spotlight so quickly and firmly. And by the way, readers may notice that many of the chapters in this book are a bit canine heavy and Wisconsin loaded.”
When I think of Wisconsin I don't just think of the show the 70s but I also think about that. They have throughout the summer, every year this fantasy show. I forgot the the full name of that. It's not a show. It's like a fest. And you can go there for few months. Throughout the summer I went once I saw some beautiful sorts. I saw people in wonderful costumes. It's a Renaissance Festival in Bristol, Wisconsin. As far as my memory goes for, I think that's the name and the place. I saw so many plays. I saw knights riding horses fighting against each other. It was so much fun. So now by reading this, thinking about that festival.
Dain Deutschman 9:37
Yeah, we have one like that in our town. And my kids that went to it several years, but we just went to it for the first time this year and that it was it had just rained. So the streets were kind of muddy. And it was just like I don't you know that scene in Lord of the Rings where they get to the city of Bree? And there's actually Peter Jackson has a cameo where he's like walking drunk and he's biting off a carrot. And it's like raining. And the Hobbits are walking through the streets of Bree. And there's like all these big, normal sized people and it's really threatening and crazy. Like, that's pretty much what it was like, at the Ren fest. It was awesome. Cool. Anyways,
Nikola Hristov Victorious 10:16
I wanted to go this year again, but friends said that I was supposed to go, couldn't they canceled? And you know, I don't want to go by myself. So I didn't go but I hope next year I'll go again.
Dain Deutschman 10:26
Yeah, I don't mean to sidetrack, too completely. But if we get that I have a […] freaky story about a trip we made in Wisconsin one time. So if you if you want to get into it, or we can do it later.
Nikola Hristov Victorious 10:41
Yeah, we can do when we're done with the chapter. Yeah. Okay. Don't forget. Yeah, I want to hear. Yep. Yep.
“First and foremost is the truth that, for better or worse, I've been associated with the unknown canines for so long that I received more firsthand reports about them than I do of other things. And I find the original accounts the most compelling again, even though we can be skeptical, there's no reason to think that the author is lying or any of her of the people she interviewed. I have more stories about Wisconsin than other places for much the same reason I've lived here all my life, I have many years of association to draw upon. More than that, I find that this state is a weirdly inexhaustible microcosm of all the anomalies that are out there. I've moved where I was planted and found it rich soil.”
Wow, this is. So I know this is I can quote this in the Bible, exactly the verse but it's so biblical. I've bloomed where I was planted, and found soil. So good.
“But weird things are everywhere. That's true. And I'm constantly […] precisely where.“
So now we're starting with the first story. Where to Find a Werewolf.
“People frequently want to know where they can go see or search for werewolves, werewolves, dog men, are upright canines, as I prefer to call them. And that is a tough question to answer, I believe, based on sightings, that they aren't as numerous as Bigfoot. No, are they normally associated with environmental clues like branch structures as our Bigfoot. So their hangouts are tougher to recognize. They rove large territories, I believe, which makes them unlikely to be in the same spot for any great length of time.“
Now, this sounds logical, especially if they're predators, like bears, like there are cases of bears coming into the human territory in the civilization, and they put them to sleep, they, they they flew them away with a helicopter, put them on a Jeep drove them away, like several 100 miles after that the same bear comes back and they're like, you know, yeah, so this reminds me like, it makes sense. Yeah.
Dain Deutschman 13:05
Yeah, does. Yeah.
Nikola Hristov Victorious 13:08
“Just in case, these creatures might be more than simple legends. I also like to remind people to use extreme caution, and to remember that many eyewitnesses are so shaken by their sighting experiences, that they wish they had not seen one.
“This is good, because sometimes I wish these things are true. And I can go and see them. But then when you hear or, or, or read, you know, how it affected them and their kids. And it's almost like a trauma, they carry this trauma until they die. So I'm like, Well, maybe they exist, but I don't have necessarily to see them.”
Dain Deutschman 13:43
Well, and and just as Christians, that's something that we should not ignore, or disbelieve them, I mean, at very least believe that they believe, you know, and that their trauma, you know, if they're traumatized, that's part of what they need people to do for them is to validate back to them that someone else doesn't think that they're lying. You know, and that, you know, and maybe pray for them, and maybe try to expand their mind a little bit because they may not get the idea of like demonic. And and, and the fact that Jesus is a solution for that, certainly not from popular TV shows and things like that. I don't know if you've ever noticed this, but on any ghost, like hunting show or any kind of cryptid show. I've never seen very rarely I should say, have I seen anything happening where Jesus Christ is brought into the picture. And, you know, you see a lots of other religious sort of remedies, but it's rare. I think that you won’t find what I would call a Born Again and Christian family experiencing like demonic stuff. I think that's probably rare. But you know, I think I sent you this show the other day it was the latest kind of Werewolf documentary by the Seth Breedlove and the Small Town Monsters group.1 And Ward. Is it Hiney? Hinny? Yeah. […] anyways he was on there. And it was it just struck me as pretty awesome. Like, one of the one of the scenes towards the end, they were out sort of hunting, investigating these areas, it was it was dark out. And he said a prayer. And it was the coolest prayer. It was basically a lot like how you kicked it off tonight with your prayer. And they said they didn't experience anything, but they enjoyed nature and the stars and being out in the woods and fellowship with each other. And I just thought that was that was pretty beautiful and kind of speaks to, you know, maybe how we should be approaching this issue with people who've had experiences like this, you know, is that these things happen. God is a big God and he created a big world. We shouldn't just poopoo it and shove things out on the rug, we should minister to these people. And, you know, it can be something that's beautiful. It doesn't have to be something, it can be something that's healing, you know, it doesn't have to be something that they're traumatized with their entire lives, they can understand this, in light of, you know, Jesus and kind of the principalities and powers. Some of the Divine Council stuff feeds into this as far as understanding what they're encountering and what happened to them.
Nikola Hristov Victorious 16:45 2
Yeah, good. Thank you. That was good. Um, bearing this in mind. So people desiring the day never witnessed one of them, you know, one of those creepy creatures bearing these in mind, One approach is to simply check out places the creatures are known to have been, if there is public access, and remember that most sightings seem purely random and are statistically more likely to occur when people are not looking for upright canines. But there may be another factor that could increase the odds of such an encounter. And that factory is habitat, especially graveyards, deserted buildings, a stranger will never associate these other buildings with monsters maybe with ghosts, but not with monsters, campgrounds and military bases or installations. Wow, that's also strange. cemeteries are ubiquitous. It's very hard for me to pronounce the word but you get it. You did it. In encounters without right canines. I came across an old piece of correspondence the other day that describe a runnin with a wolfman or werewolf in a cemetery on a shore of upper Nashotah lake in St. Francis near Milwaukee called seminary woods. Okay, so this is the first official story for tonight I'm getting excited. The area is not a legendary stomping ground for upright Canaanites. But it's supposed to be a haunted by the figure of a black garb monk who lived there long ago. The man who wrote about his experience had gone to the old cemetery located in those woods at about 10:30pm in June 2005 with several friends to photograph what he described as Viken altar and the vampire then when something else grabbed their attention, once again, what proves to be true is that all these entities all these beasts all these cryptids RS somehow many times associated with your called because we have we can alter here right now, only about 50 feet away, he said stood a creature over six feet tall. Judging by comparison to some trees adjacent to the figure and covered in black for watching them. It had the head of a wolf. They instantly ran hearing twigs crunch under its feet behind them as it gave chase. It also made low gut guttural growling sounds as it ran, said the writer. And when they cleared the entrance to the woods, it emitted a how he described as half pain, half anger. I'm surprised the creature didn't chase them away within maybe 10 seconds and just destroy them because you know, they should be mentioned faster than people say this he was after that encounter. The writer said He made numerous trips back to the woods but never saw the creature again. Man, you must be really pumped on adrenaline and not liking your life. The same place along I mean, I mean, I admire it but I mean, I hope you have your will and you made safe if you have a wife and kids that they are okay after you're gone. Yeah. He's friends wanted to just forget it smarter friends to moved out of the state. Wow. Okay, so they move because of this, this just proves of the you know, that this story was legit. Like, I mean, you were probably traumatized and scared to to move out of the state and the other to start speaking to him. Wow, I hear that a lot about CO eyewitnesses.
Dain Deutschman 20:54
I mean, one thing here, it's like, people react different to trauma. You know, some people have this curiosity where they need to, like Chase it and resolve it. And other people are running from it, they will just want to shut it off, you know, and not, they're kind of in denial. So that tells me also, that that's real, because that's kind of a trauma response there to what happened.
Nikola Hristov Victorious 21:21
Yeah, and I see you have a werewolf had behind you. So were you back in the days one of those werewolf hunters is that your Chaffee behind? You?
Dain Deutschman 21:32
Know, I wish it was that's actually a poop head emoji stuffed inside of a werewolf Halloween mask. And I just keep it in my office because I don't know. I figured it was good to put over there to set the mood tonight. Cool.
Nikola Hristov Victorious 21:47
I appreciate. Yeah. pondering the fact that this place was known for being haunted by a human like figure but turned out to be the site of an unknown canine encounter. I realized that there were many other times and places when people were looking for some particular spooky thing but found dog man or other unknown canines instead. For instance, I think of the Michigan dog man sighting made by college student John Lyons and two friends near a cabin on a gravel road outside Reed City Michigan in June 2005 Okay, this is the same time the cabin once once a one room school once a one room school okay I'm trying I'm having logical disability almost now one room school how is that working? Okay. was known for a lot look I guess it was a super small school and no other way I can
Dain Deutschman 22:44
Yeah, I can I can help you understand. So in the you know, in the 1800s into the probably even into the 1940s and 50s these small towns would have one building and it would function sometimes as a church and as a school house. And is sometimes like a community gathering. So some a lot of those are still around in some township you know, communities will have their like township meetings in these old churches and buildings that were one room school houses and stuff so yeah, that's that's what that is. I think. So it must
Nikola Hristov Victorious 23:21
be very old because you probably don't have many students so that's why they do not have moved from Yeah.
Dain Deutschman 23:28
Yeah, cuz back in the day, they only educated kids up until eighth grade up until I think the 30s or 40s and so once you pass eighth grade, then you were working at the farm or whatever with your your parents and you weren't in school. So it was Yeah, small school houses.
Nikola Hristov Victorious 23:45
Okay, thank you. So this cabin or former school was known for a local legend of ghost children crying or laughing in the night. The cabins owner told me he had heard the sounds himself. The spectral children seem to have left however, and the trial instead found themselves stalked and pursued by a great seven foot tall canine on one occasion and a slightly smaller Blackford dogman are on on another eighth place I stalked out in 2006 in the wee hours of a hot foggy night with a cameraman from the histories channel monster quest show and lions and his friends and actually sold the gray furry spine of something. And it's funny how she puts something as italic she doesn't know. I like that. These honestly be honest what you know, just say what you don't know. Be honest. Say I don't know. Yeah, right young, upright future. The unknown, upright figure partially revealed itself at the edge of a spotlight, as it blooded out a seven foot tall reflected road sign while crossing the grave road, not more than 32 feet Really feet from where we all stood. Man, I'll be running it back in that school or in the car and just this. As often happens in these situations, the videographer had his camera turned the other direction. Oh my god. It's like in some stupid horror movies when they run a fool or there's this black cat that some somehow spooks them and they run into something that they fall in the future catches them. It's always one of these cliches, right? Yeah. That's true. This was my only personal sighting of what could have been a dog man, though I had far better luck with Bigfoot. Okay, maybe we'll see that later. But the original Legend of crime children initially brought young people to the desolate location. The hauntings. dogman connection also comes to mind when I think of the 2007 sightings by four other young people in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. Part of the Greater Milwaukee Area on East fifth road. Yeah, okay. This dead end road leading to a bluff over Lake Michigan has a long tradition as a hunted Lovers Lane. Okay, the fourteens were hoping to see a ghost but instead an upright canine jumped out of a cornfield at them and chase them back to the nearest streetlight. Hey, Dan, do you think this does mean that you know werewolves like popcorn and stuff? Maybe they just like one of those grilled, you know, cores because I do maybe we have something in common with his werewolves.
Dain Deutschman 26:46
Yeah, maybe we need to lower them with a little air popped and buttered popcorn.
Nikola Hristov Victorious 26:55
I was there to investigate the site within days and found large canine tracks in a muddy part of the field just have a tractor lane. The wolf creature haunting connection is also born out on Alcor Wisconsin's Bray Road, which has several old houses said to have been haunted before the Bray road. Beasts first known appearances in the 1890s and 99 days, I've been a guest in one of the homes and listen to tales of creaky stairs and glimpses of ghosts. Their main association to the upright wolf like creatures, however, seems to be that they share a road where strange things seem to happen. Dane, can you please continue reading the second subject?
Dain Deutschman 27:46
Sure, the graveyard shift in New Hampshire is the title of this one. Many people walk gingerly through cemeteries that's natural considering what lies below. But we humans are not the only beings that tread dark places lightly. Spirits are also said to waste softly over headstones. And this next encounter involves something that was not human, not dead, and perhaps not even canine. But it's another it's a good it's another good illustration of unknown creatures and cemeteries. So here's a very detailed report. I received them an incident in New Hampshire in mid October of 2014. The man who wish to wish to remain anonymous, wrote that he had come home one chilly Tuesday night that fall at about 12:30am and saw that he had first What do you hit first thought was a deer. Very reminiscent of some accounts we've seen earlier in in this book. Evidently there's been some deer stories. But anyways, he realized it was not a deer as it walked on its hind legs. He said it was tremendously thin and was taking poodle like baby steps. At a high rate of speed. That sounds kind of funny. I did not see any tail, but I knew it was definitely not a Bigfoot. I could not believe it. But at no time did I feel threatened. I was not afraid. Just surprised. I kept staring at it. I couldn't figure out what I was looking at. It did not seem to pay any attention to me at all. He said he was not able to see its arms but it had a triangular head. It was small eyes and a short face and struck him as both cat like and Wolf like all at once. Its fur was quite short. It seemed to have walked across a commons area that was about 60 feet away standing just inside the treeline of some woods. It appeared to have come from the direction of a nearby Colonial Era graveyard behind the cemetery where some historic buildings and an embankment that lead down to a river called the mountain stream It continued to head south silently, but at a fast pace and was soon lost from sight. He added that there were houses nearby and speculated that the creature may have taken shelter in a shed next to an old church. He said now I believe those stories people said about the hostile werewolf types, and I believe there are different types of these dog men. I just happen to see the more timid of the types. He added that seen people go into the cemetery always made him cringe without knowing exactly why. cemeteries are just one type of site often connected with Wolf like creatures, especially upright canines that act like phantoms or bear a resemblance to a NuBus Ancient Egypt jackal headed god of the dead military zones, or I'm sorry, ancient Egypt's jackal headed god of the dead, often seen in military zones. So So these a nubest type, werewolf creatures have been seen in military bases. I take that to mean, following is one of the most recent least submitted though the events took place in the early 70s.
Nikola Hristov Victorious 31:11
Yeah, I can read the next session, or the same section, same chapter or say again, do you think this is the same chapter? Do you want to continue?
Dain Deutschman 31:23
Yeah, yeah, sure. German military werewolves. Right. Oh, you want me to keep going? Okay.
Nikola Hristov Victorious 31:29
No, I'm asking you, do you feel like keep going? Or do you want to continue?
Dain Deutschman 31:34
No, go ahead. You can go. Yeah, that's fine. I was just gonna say one thing about the last reading, is that the one thing I thought of was when to go just with the deer type form? I don't know if you've talked about that before on here, but we did not. Okay. Let me Yeah, that's a good.
Nikola Hristov Victorious 31:55
Yeah, it is. What also, in a way bugs me that these demonic creatures would be okay, being close to a church, any church, like, you know, because usually you hear stories, they are afraid of churches as sacred spaces which are under the teachings of the Divine Council of biblical theology, especially in the Old Testament, the so called sacred split place, you know, geographical location where God dwells, you would expect them not to not because of superstitious reasons, not because of what we see in horror movies, but you would you would expect them to be maybe not afraid, but to just simply avoid churches, but this creature came to dwell not in the church, but close to the church. So I'm a little bit bogged because of that a little bit upset, because out think they'll be like, kind of running away from it.
Dain Deutschman 32:47
Yeah, I have some thoughts on that. When I think of sacred space, I think of the human heart, you know, more so than I think of an actual space, right. So, you know, in temples in the, in the ancient Near East, the temples were the sacred space. But when Christ died for us, and was resurrected and sent the Holy Spirit, you know, now, we're all building stones of the temple, right? Where the so every human, and every time you get a new believer that that becomes a believer. There, that's, that's what's expanding or retaking the ground or retaking sacred space of the world because it's, it's people's hearts that are the temple. So I kind of think when I think about, like, some of these old churches and things, it's almost very similar to, you know, you get these Catholic and I, I'm not gonna say anything bad about Catholics, because I know a lot of really great Catholics, you know, so I don't mean to, if you're listening, you're Catholic. I'm not this is not a dig. But I think people that and maybe it's any denomination, right, that they're more religious than they are actually in a relationship or having given their lives to God. You know, and, and if you've given your life to God, that's different than I think I'm gonna do these rites and these rituals and follow these laws and rules. And that's going to do anything for me. That's that's not the mindset. You know, the mindset of being a believer is, desiring God above all other things, God should be your fundamental, greatest desire is him and not even the gifts he gives, but him as a person. And that that's what a relationship with with Jesus is. And so I feel like that's the type of thing that if you have a church like that, or a community like that, or a house like that, that's going to be where demand that demonic cannot go to those places or can at least not have a very great effect at those places. But if you have an old church, I mean, maybe it was an old church, there's a band And maybe it was a church that you just didn't have a believer community there, or maybe it sends us an old church. It's not it's not considered sacred space anymore, because now it's just a building. It's not the people of God. It's not the community of, of Jesus, you know. So that's kind of what when I think about that, you know, I, I resonate with you, because that's my first feeling as well as you know why I would think that would be somewhere with a creature like that wouldn't go. But then I think about the fact one of my actually on my podcast, one of my guests, I think you might have her on in one of your upcoming episodes. She actually said her first encounter with the supernatural in the Catholic Church where she went as a child. And so she can tell that story if she's on the podcast. So I think sacred ground it's more about the human heart than it is about, you know, a place that's kind of my take on that. I'm sorry, I'm a little long winded. Oh, I lost you. I lost the audio.
Nikola Hristov Victorious 36:15
Yeah, I was a muted. Thank you for all because I have trucks and motorcycles coming. I didn't want to. But thank you for reminding me. We came to the section, the subsection called German military werewolves. story occurred in Germany in 1971. I've received other compelling reports of encounters at military bases or installations over the years, and several like this one have compared the creature to a NuBus. One of the first and most startling of those accounts was published in hunting the American Werewolf and recounted the siding made by three night guards at North Chicago's Great Lakes Naval Training Center on Lake Michigan in 1994. Okay, this is close to me. The grounds the witnesses patrolled included in military graveyard to in that incident, all three so the creatures standing at the edge of a small word at about 3am Ah, I always like when I see three M I know it's creepy. But I mentioned this couple times on the podcast so far, three M is found in many non Christian pagan beliefs and cultures to be this witching hour between three and 4am. Supposedly, it's where the demonic realm is so close to around and that's hopefully the time where you know people can be attacked the most suppose we haven't. Yeah, this is interesting. I
Dain Deutschman 37:54
think there's a lot to that because of the idea of it mocking the Trinity you know, three, and you get three scratches. Sometimes ghost hunters get three scratches and or events happen in threes. And I often think that that might be a mocking of the Trinity as a reason for why that is, but yeah, okay,
Nikola Hristov Victorious 38:18
yeah, that's interesting. revealed by the large flashlights they carry this it's stared at them with greenish yellow eyes. The naval guard who wrote me about the encounter said it was Blackford, with the body of a man and Jackal like head that reminded her of a new bus. It stood six and a half to St. Paul, one of the witnesses was Navaho and he immediately began to repeat Skinwalker Skinwalker, referring to the conjured creature discussed earlier that is usually associated with the American Southwest and western Alaska. Whether Skinwalker or a new beast when it ran away into the darkness. It did so on its hind legs, so did the creature is seen by the next eyewitness iron Robertson moulden, a British officer who had yet another name for the creature werewolf, he wrote. In 1971, I had just finished military college and was posted to felling bow still in North West Germany as a second lieutenant in the Royal Military Police Special Investigation Branch, so will have been regarded as a credible witness during my first week. At this location, I had to report to the medical reception center to visit a soldier. Several regiments including my own were in a specific area, but the medical reception was around 5500 yards away via a footpath Surrounded by a wooded area each side hallway to the Med Center was a small VR WR V C sharp, a little like the American P. X. Having visited the soldier and made my way back to my unit, the whole area was almost desolate. As the division was always, I'm sorry the division was away on exercise, living myself and rear parties. As I approached the WRVS area, I noticed a dog in the undergrowth ahead of me. It looked like a German shepherd or Alsatian. This gave me a little concern as it was a high rabbis area. It I started first then moved slowly towards the dog. There was no way of avoiding it as it was a mere 10 feet from the path and there was no other way past. I stopped approximately 40 feet from the animal to assess the danger. I was confused about its appearance as the dog had the long snout of a German Shepherd, but incredibly long or tall years. It looked more like the dogs seen in Egyptian hieroglyphics or are a newbies. I think it's now 10 years were much longer than I have seen on a dog. I think it's way too significant as it was very slender standing. He had more of a dogs with a body, but it certainly was designed to stand and walk as it was very steady on its feet. Realizing there was no other route, I gingerly started to walk slowly down to the path, keeping it under observation. As a gut to around 20 to 30 feet away from it. It stood up on its hind legs. It was around seven to eight feet in height, I had no chance to observe further as it started to walk towards me. Oh my gosh, I would, I would die. Initially, I thought it was some sort of a very thin bear. Came bear looking like this. Maybe germicides special type of bears that look like this, but no, as its body was dog like, but there are no indigenous bears in that area of Germany. As I mentioned, it resembled ancient depictions of a new beast, but with a dog's body, not humans. Its color was dark brown. From what I could see a pretty persistent color to had it been a dog. It would have had a lighter underside, which it didn't. It said directly watching the and then stood in complete silence. It made no animal noises of any kind. I don't know what's creepy of the animal. The beast was silent or if had been, you know, roaring and howling? I don't know.
Dain Deutschman 43:00
Yeah, I think that's pretty creepy. Yeah, no,
Nikola Hristov Victorious 43:04
but you know what to notice so far in all these few stories, no creatures so far so far, because we'll be reading more no creatures so far attacked humans. It's almost like I'm observing you, you're my territory. It's your time to leave. It's almost like that. So it's like, I'm glad that so far, there are no human casualties. It's
Dain Deutschman 43:24
kind of like a guardian spirits kind of vibe. Versus an actual real, you know, creature that could actually harm you. But yeah,
Nikola Hristov Victorious 43:38
it reminds me of territorial gods have their territory, so are also these demonic principalities that are underneath these gods. And you also see animals behaving in the same way like but also as humans, like if someone or something tries to come in your home, like you want to protect your wife and kids. So in a similar way, I can tell that the animal is almost like, like I'm observing. I want to take you out, but you should pick up the clues the signs, you know,
Dain Deutschman 44:06
that's how right yeah, I think that makes sense.
Nikola Hristov Victorious 44:10
Yeah. Um, I don't remember. I didn't recall at the time any peculiar peculiar Lee Arrietty. Sorry, when its eyes just appear to be dark. Like there's eyes. I certainly didn't get close enough to smell it. Lol. This author is so funny. It was off running again. Lol. To be honest, I rent my hell back to the medical center. In fact, I didn't stop running as I was unsure whether it was falling. As I mentioned previously, there was no other easy way to go back to the gear zones, and eventually decided to take the long route via to sorry The long route back via the local town, a trip of around three miles. Yeah, we'll go 20 miles just to be safe. Right? If that was needed, several days later, still thinking I had seen some sort of dog unknown to me. I mentioned my experience to a female German clerk. She casually said, Oh, you must have seen the werewolf You were lucky to escape. Jo said like, Hey, have some have some German sausage and beer and I would enjoy both. But that's how she seemed like like, Oh, yeah. You see, you saw one of you know how in every town or in every city, you have, like a popular place to go and visit but you also have some people like like in Chicago in downtown. We have one preacher who is millennial for like 3040 years. What he says almost all the time, you're going to hell, you're going to hell, you're going to hell, everyone knows him. Everyone knows him. The whole city detours passed by him all the time. He's always like, you're going to hell, you're going to hell. So it's like if you come to Chicago, you most probably see this picture. So it's almost like this was like a, like a legend. Not not a legend, that like it's a legendary full day, but they had legendary status like, Hey, if you're here in Germany, you have to know about where it was like, Yeah, inevitable. So that's how I'm pursuing this. Okay, Scott is saying, yo, that that's a very thorough comment on the on the channel. Yo, to you, to you to Scott to reading, so yeah, she just said, Oh, you must have seen the werewolf. Werewolf was a word Ian had not considered. But his description of of the camp surroundings was certainly creepy enough to make a supernatural wolf creature feel like at home, feel right at home. He continued. I knew little about falling boastful. Again. This is place in Germany when this happened, as I had only been there a few days. Werewolves were quite believed there apparently, as many sightings have been recorded. As an aside, the whole area was strange. The following borstel cemetery had an armed guard at night due to grave robbing. We assumed it also had heavily fans grave there of some of someone called Camila carne Stein, who the inscription said was either beaten to death by a vampire or was a vampire. Man, this is so much like the underworld movie like werewolves and vampires. This is so fun
Dain Deutschman 47:37
guys with machine guns. Yeah,
Nikola Hristov Victorious 47:40
yeah, this is so fun. My journal wasn't that good at that time. Yeah, poor guy. Because if this was like in the 70s, like he said, like they had no Google Translator, so he had to like use books right. I asked him Yan if he had any more information about the vampire story, and he discovered the name Camila Constantine was from a novel about a female vampire published in a cereal form around 1872 26. before the world was introduced to Dracula by Bram Stoker, the author Joseph shear them left for New, probably French, I don't know may have based his main character on true horrors such as Elizabeth Bathory a Transylvanian counters known for grisly murders of hundreds of young girls in what is now Slovakia battery lived from 5060 to 1614 and her shocking acts were well known in Europe. She was said to have dabbled in cannibalism and also bathe in human blood in the belief it will keep her young oh my gosh
Dain Deutschman 48:54
that's a lot of divine Council worldview giant sniffling intersections there with the cannibalism and the drinking the blood and stuff.
Nikola Hristov Victorious 49:07
Yeah, anyone should continue eventually. prisoned for her deeds, and acid hungry is believed to be the site of her body's final resting place. Resting Place I hope. I hope she didn't repent. I hope she's not resting. That may sound bad but like for all the evil she did towards people drink their blood and aid them.
Dain Deutschman 49:33
Wow, I didn't know about her. That's crazy.
Nikola Hristov Victorious 49:34
I didn't know either. Yeah, it's insane. It puts it puts on Vlad the Impaler to like hey, maybe learn from me saying I wish they make a movie. According to this woman. I was about a lady but that's not the lady. I have probably reading this but I'll try it because it's super long word enjoy and actually two words but falling borstel bud translates to Beth, or spa in German was once ringed by forest that did contain wolves and the last known wolf in that region was believed killed in 1872 and is now mineralized with a large grok known as the wolf Stein or literally wolf stone. That was not that did not mean wolves would never come back to the area. However, wolves have been seen in the former area of that forest as recently as 2012 for the years after Ian's sighting, Dane, can you please continue?
Dain Deutschman 50:43
Yeah. Also located near bad falling Bosto in Lunenburg Heath area are some 4000 year old stone Dolman structures made by ancient Europeans known as the funnel beaker people. The name may sound like some something from a chemistry supply store, but it derives from the cultures most noted style of pottery beaker shaped jars with funnel shaped next, the bad falling Basile Dolman are known as the seven stone houses. Although there are only five structures there, they were probably used as burial chambers. According to most archaeological studies. I have not come across any particular legends about these dolmens but ancient graveyards seem to do this trick all by themselves when it comes to attracting mystery creatures. What are dolmens? Is that like Stonehenge, is that like, a pillars of stone kind of thing? Or that's what I'm envisioning. Yeah,
Nikola Hristov Victorious 51:45
I saw photos before it looks like something like that, but probably smaller. And what was the purpose? I've read so much that I forget what I read, but I think it had some either burial or religious connotation, but it was something with stones and it came from the old times maybe even used by druids some of something in that shape of
Dain Deutschman 52:11
Okay. Lost my place here
Dain Deutschman 52:22
they're probably use a burial chambers. Okay, yeah, so this report is not the only one I've received from a soldier who has witnessed a werewolf like creature at a German military facility. In monsters among us, I told the fault so that's a movie she's referencing. I think. I told the full tale of a 1987 sighting at
Nikola Hristov Victorious 52:43
that's actually another of her note or her book. She has many books. Oh,
Dain Deutschman 52:47
it's a book okay. 1987 sighting at hand fails training area a US military garrison base near wolf SIG. Wolf say is about 500 miles from bad falling bastle And I witnesses in the case and I witnessed in the case was sleeping in his vehicle, and awoke to see a six to seven foot tall creature with glowing red eyes peeping into his vehicles window. That's nice. It left large canine footprints in the nearby mud. A a third entirely separate German military base encounter with an upright canid occurred at the Han Air Force base or airbase near the village of Winnick Garraf in 1988, just a year after the Hohenfels incident. It's known as the Morbark werewolf. The profound history website posted an account from a retired US Air Force Staff Sergeant on January 5 2018, in which the sergeant noted that the local legend about the alleged creature was well known but generally dismissed by American servicemen stationed there. One night the said the sergeant a routine patrol came across some strangely mutilated deer carcasses. The discovery was followed by startling deep loud howls from an unseen animal and armed patrol called in saying they were in pursuit of a large dark canine that was headed for the base command center. The sergeant hunting with his own Patrol Unit saw the huge creature, clear a nine foot fence, and then stand upright against the tree. As it turned to Cooley, check out its pursuers before rushing off into the trees. In summary, we have just noted three different military bases in Cold War era Germany, separated by 100 to 500 miles, each with its own sightings of large upright wolf like creatures from very credible sources. These are military people. This leads me to wonder how many other bases involve millet similar sightings and weather reports referenced only upright canines are anomalous phenomena as well, I can say that there was at least one such instance of the ladder and possible phenomenon involving UFOs. A known obsession of Adolf Hitler's take this odd tidbit for what it's worth a weirdly synchronistic title little fine that came to light in early 2018, after I inherited a cache of family letters and photos. So now 2018 is pretty recent.
Nikola Hristov Victorious 55:28
Yeah, what don't want to say that, besides our military people witnessing all these things that brings, you know, the credibility of the story, but also, I mean, you don't have to buy this book. But it's, it's a great title. I mean, you can watch documentaries, you can read books, again, stay away from conspiracies get some real scholarly, historical, you know, sightings and sources. I mean, it is well known that German soldiers and the government in the World War Two, maybe even World War One was dabbling deep in deep into the occult. Now, I'm not saying that this wolf like creatures in Germany had to be a product or byproduct of some occultic experiments that the Germans they didn't want to, but if we know that they did something, and all this wolf like creatures, were suddenly, you know, showing around in Germany within the radius of 500 miles, there could be a connection, maybe I cannot make that statement is, you know, I know 100%. I'm just saying maybe, you know, yeah.
Dain Deutschman 56:51
Yeah. I mean, just the connection to the occult, you have, you know, prior to the Christian era, all the paganism where a lot of this stuff is kind of rooted in, right and, and then they kind of went away to a point. I don't know, maybe I don't know the history real well, but maybe around the Industrial Revolution kind of timeframe. And so I just find it kind of interesting that anywhere, that you have a cult activity, you have stuff like this happening, and to your point about the military experiments and things and just kind of like some of the MK Ultra stuff where they had people actually trying to test their psychic abilities and attempting to do remote viewing for espionage purposes and things like that. I think all of that can open up. I don't want to say portals, but just something set in some way. sort of open up activity in those areas.
Nikola Hristov Victorious 58:08
Yeah, it's it's not impossible. It's plausible. Then, next, the next sub chapter because it talks about UFOs. So we'll go to the very next one, which is called Michigan Dodd man and Miss sacker burial grounds. So just like a few pages down,
Dain Deutschman 58:30
I see it. Yep.
Nikola Hristov Victorious 58:31
Okay, so I'll just start with that one. So again, Michigan dogma, okay. I witness. This is a witnessing, it was like it rode the treetops. Oh, this is already given me so much imagination, like in my head. And I'm well known among my friends, but I don't always tell them that. I tend to space out a lot and imagine different things when I'm in church at work or in a restaurant doesn't matter if something comes to my mind from what I'm listening or thinking about. I space out and I visualize it, and I think about it. And now this gives me that same moment, like now I'm thinking, you know, I'm there with that creature on the top of the trees. Yeah. This report actually contains three encounters that occurred in 2016. Okay, like because this is in modern times, in rural Western Michigan, close to Lake Michigan's Eastern Shore and adjacent to what has become known as the main stomping ground of the Michigan Dogman. The Manistee National Forest. The first of the three encounters begs an unusual question I hadn't previously considered. Could a dog man travel from treetop to treetop in a snowy world? That's an interesting question. hard as it may be to imagine any canine at Home in forest canopies, it seemed to the eyewitness that this may have been the case. unusual circumstances seem to rule this set of encounters. local historian say the forest around the site are filled with hidden native Native American burials. The remains of hundreds of men, women and children were hastily interred here in 1642, after a large invading force of a branch of Iraqis massacred the resident Potawatomi and other tribal guess. The White Lake is the White Lake Historical Society's locally published history booklet states Indian graves have been unearthed and undoubtedly many hidden remains of the unfortunate part of ama Potawatomi massacre still remain many artifact artifacts of the Indians culture of the Hmong Montag is this Montague area had been found in this past century, the 1800s. Do you want to start with creature one?
Dain Deutschman 1:01:17
Yeah, sure. Yeah. Yeah, the Indian burial grounds again, that always keeps popping up. So creature one as as for the eyewitnesses. I'll refer to him by a pseudonym. We'll call him Brad. And Brad wrote, I've seen this creature that resembles a werewolf on the family farm here in rural southwest Michigan. I'll start by explaining the property layout. The farm sits on 30 acres of woods, crikey and marshlands. All of my encounters have come this year and 2016 from February to about a month or so ago, which at the time of this taping was June of 2016. Evidently, the first came on or or about the eighth of February at approximately 3:52am. A heavy winter storm was hitting the area with some nasty weather. I was up early to get a jump on the snow shoveling so the driveway was accessible for the propane delivery guy later that morning. As I was about halfway down the driveway, I heard a loud splash in the crikey to the south about 25 yards away thinking it was a deer or two I stopped shoveling and scan the creek with and the woodline for any movement. As I scan the creek I came to the woodline and saw this pair of yellow slash amber eyes about seven and a half to eight feet tall, standing right next to a huge oak tree. It took off with a super burst of speed to the west. It leapt into the air and all I heard for the next few seconds was the treetops clean against one another. It was like it rode the treetops. I stood there for the next few minutes questioning my sanity. For the six to seven seconds I saw this creature it stood on two legs that looked like a dog's hind legs. It had a big wolf like head with a snout and ears that resembled that of a German Shepherd. Those eyes have yellow slash amber in color.
Nikola Hristov Victorious 1:03:20
Okay, thank you, Richard to the second sighting came on or about March 24 At approximately 2:38pm I love the detailed parts because in part of my job I have to write certain reports. So if I can exact time instead of rounding the number I like doing this person doing that I from the professional perspective, I appreciate this so 2:30pm I had decided to walk up the creek and clear brush. I always carry a firearm with me on these occasions. I had gotten about 450 yards up the creek that flows through the entire anchorage of the property. It was strange to me how completely completely quiet or as I say dead, the woods work I always jump something up whether it's a deer or turkey or ducks that are always there. I didn't even hear any birds which were which was really strange man that this reminds me again of you know so many stories but also movies like when there's presence of the evil entity is always silence There's no life there is this like absence of everything living like like or even if there's anything alive, it will be either you know, some birds like vultures or maybe wolves or or some insects and bugs. They will be anything that we think of something beautiful of suddenly that brings live collars. That is like useful so much to do. Maybe It ecosystem or whatnot. I'm not saying that vouchers are not contributing, God made them that way, right that have to get rid of the, you know, the dead corpses or whatnot. But I'm just saying, you usually don't think about something beautiful in life giving when you think of those animals. So in the same case, like he comes to this area, and it's completely silent, and it's, you know, that's
Dain Deutschman 1:05:20
really good. Yeah, that's good insight, because I usually think of that as more, oh, there's an apex predator in the area, you know, so, all the smaller, everyone's quiet because no one wants to get eaten. Like, that's what I think of when I think of silence in the woods. But I never thought of what you just said, which is basically the absence of life. And then that the creatures like the vulture is like creatures that are associated with death. And even in the Bible, those creatures are associated with death and, and the demonic. So, yeah, that's, that's, that's a really good point.
Nikola Hristov Victorious 1:05:57
This spooky phenomenon of utter silence, enveloping the era of an anomalous, I don't know how to pronounce this
Dain Deutschman 1:06:06
Nikola Hristov Victorious 1:06:08
I think anomalous events is known as the oz factor. And it's quite common in creature encounters I'll have to google later this oz factor ozium. I'm intrigued. It was named by British author and investigator Janee Randles. After the strange alternate Kingdom portrayed in L. Frank Baum's book, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Okay, make sense. It refers to the same type of disorientation experienced by BOMs protagonist, Dorothy, after a tornado transported her from a black and white world to a realm of color. I remember the movie, right, it's it's a classic. It was a brilliant way for the movie to portray Dorothy's transition from the known to the unknown, and works equally well to describe the oz factor. Those who have experienced it, it often say that all birds and insects suddenly go quiet. We just talked about this as a pervasive change in the surrounding atmosphere affects their emotions. Well, yeah, they're, they're scared because they, like something is among them. Like when you when you watch all the predator movies, like, not predator against aliens, because they're usually, you know, somewhere hidden in like caves and underground passages. But when you actually watch the original predator movies, like there's predator in that forest, like, the birds are either gone, or they're silent because they're scared. Yeah.
Dain Deutschman 1:07:43
Yeah. Like in the first part of your movie. Yeah. Yeah, I've
Nikola Hristov Victorious 1:07:47
received reports from people who said they felt either profoundly sad, or paralyzed. paralyzed with tear, sometimes the air scenes to change color. This is so strange, how can the air change color, sometimes the air seems to change color, often to green or gold.
Dain Deutschman 1:08:09
That just makes me think demonic, like the sad and the fear. Right? And then also, I think about maybe, you know, on Stranger Things like the upside down, you know how it was identical to our world. But it was just creepy. Almost makes me think like, they're stepping into an alternate dimension, where there aren't any but any of the creatures to make the forest sounds. But it's just you and the evil entity. So
Nikola Hristov Victorious 1:08:43
are you are you are you in this context saying or not? Because I don't want to assume that maybe there could be some portals in this world that lead to something even though seemingly just seems like a force like our world, but are you saying that could be portals that can actually, for a temporary time lead you into something where you experience supernatural and you come back? Maybe you don't even come back? But is that?
Dain Deutschman 1:09:10
Yeah, that's kind of what I'm, I'm just sort of throwing out there as something that I hadn't thought of before until just now, when he's describing the air changing. And, you know, maybe the creatures were, well, maybe it wasn't that the creatures were being quiet, but maybe it's that they weren't there. Because he was actually standing in a different part of reality, you know, the unseen part of reality that is all around us all the time. You know, it depends on your theory of the unseen realm. Right. But, you know, some theories of it posit that the unseen realm is around us all the time and we just can't see it because of whatever reason, you know, and that just made me think of that, that maybe that's part of What's going on here is sort of a blending of, of that unseen realm. When we see things like this, maybe it's sort of us seen a tear in that sort of, you know, like in Stranger Things when they tear a hole in the wall and they could see that the upside down through the wall, you know, or something like that. It just seems kind of like inter interdimensional sort of feelings I'm getting here.
Nikola Hristov Victorious 1:10:28
That's good. Okay, so this guy whom she called bread, right, she's hiding his identity. So bread continued. I rounded a band in the creek went up, I had about 55 yards was what looked to the back of a black bear that was digging into the bank of the tricks. As I was setting my forearm, of course, the guy didn't back down. He was like, let me go and investigate. My firearm down on one of the little islands in the creek. I snapped. This is another cliche moment in movies. He snapped in branch of course, of course, you either fall down, you you either snap branch you either. What I don't know. It's always something like this. Yes, that's a branch and it stopped completely what it was doing well, of course, I froze. Man, I don't know if I would freak out. Even though I'm not a tree climber. I think from a gentleman would jump like 10 feet high and just try to go it's even possible to hide on a tree. I don't know if this features if they do exist if there will be time on the tree. Or maybe they can levitate. Maybe they can fly. I don't know if that would even help.
Dain Deutschman 1:11:44
They swing on the treetops. They just said.
Nikola Hristov Victorious 1:11:48
Oh, yeah, that was in another story. Yeah. If you would have been the same ability then then good luck to
Dain Deutschman 1:11:55
you would have been totally eaten. Oh, you would have tried to hide in the tree. Well,
Nikola Hristov Victorious 1:12:00
thank you for the encouragement, right. He said I froze. Oh my gosh, I'll be paralyzed. I froze and watched as the thing stood up on two legs and started to turn around towards me. It stood eight feet. Oh my god. This is like this is a Goliath among the other six and seven feet tall, dominant world this guy was eight feet tall and had a huge wolf lay head. Oh my god. This was like a chief among the werewolves. And he had a huge wall flathead snout in years of a dog and all black for what? I don't think they have any albino you know werewolves. So all the werewolves are like either dark brown or black. That's not fair. Only in video games. Yeah. In the first encountered the creatures for was great. Oh, okay, that's a change gray in color with a white and this one was black. Yeah, this is a first story that measures any other color. It kept glancing over to the east and back towards me. It had not yet seen me. Oh, okay. Well, he's so far he's lucky. And it it puts it's now into the air and it looked like it was sniffing the wind make sense. I'm completely freaking out at this point and reach up to pick up my forearm to get out of the area quickly. When there was a splash up the creek. I looked up and now this thing was on all four legs. It still stood five to five and a half feet tall. Oh my god. At this point, I don't want to run out of fear. Yeah, I mean, you cannot outrun any creature in the in the in the wild. You can I mean God made I mean. Okay, so he says at this point, I don't want to run out of fear that it will give chase, so I stay frozen. It looked at me and snarled. What is normal?
Dain Deutschman 1:14:17
Like the the expression on my werewolf mask. Okay, kind of uh huh. And then a growl. Growl
Nikola Hristov Victorious 1:14:28
so you wanted to intimidate the so called bred okay. And I thought it was sizing me up and then all of a sudden it looked to the east back at me one more time and took two giant leaps toward the east and onto the bank of the creeks. That's about a 25 foot distance. It then jumped towards the treetops. Man this is another tree topper. And this appear to ease okay, I'm glad the guy survived. And of course if this really happened, but I'm, I'm even more surprised and shocked that all these creatures, I mean, they're not afraid of people. But like, how come they're not attacking people? How come they don't have to eat them? Maybe they don't like human flesh, but I'm I'm surprised they're not attacking and killing people for coming to their territory, they've just run and go away. Some of it's the price. You
Dain Deutschman 1:15:25
kind of hear those stories about a lot of people disappearing, and especially in wooded areas, especially like in the Pacific Northwest and things that makes you think, yeah, national parks and stuff. So there is a relatively high number of people who do disappear every year from what I've kind of from what I've heard. So that does kind of make you wonder if some of that does happen, you know, and obviously, no one knows about that. Yeah, that's that's pretty crazy. Yeah, that's pretty scary right there.
Nikola Hristov Victorious 1:16:01
Okay, so then it says it then jump towards the treetops and disappear to the east. I stood there in total disbelief. I got home and my mind just kept racing. Man, I wouldn't move out, I would have left because if this thing can smell me, and it can, I don't know if it would come back, you know, vengeful while I'm sleeping or whatnot. Because I don't know, I don't know, I would just, I would just leave I don't care about my job or where I lived. You know, those two guys in the previous story. So I decided to confide in my father about what I had seen. Uh, he looked at me, as if I were an alien, said I was crazy and I should get my head checked out. I know what I saw. Okay, we have creature three, so I live this privilege to you then. Okay.
Dain Deutschman 1:16:50
The third and final encounter came on May 29. At 8:52pm. My dad and I were having a fire down by the creek and we were getting low on wood. He asked if I could go get more wood for the fire from behind the pole barn. A pole barn is like a basic barn with a tin shed put up or a tin roof suspended by poles which is why they call the pole barn. I hesitated and said in a few minutes. I'll get the wood Okay, so I was afraid of those woods. I didn't want to go over there, which is something I thought I would never say. After about 10 minutes I start to make my way towards the back of the pole barn. It's just about dark and I keep hearing this rustling and a lower growl. Like dogs are playing. And when I reached the back of the pole barn, it stops. I light a cigarette and look out into the woods which are 10 yards away. Again, the Woods had gone completely silent and it was eerie. Then there was a sound like a zipper been zipped up. That was about 30 yards to the south. I waited for a minute and decided to look out to where I had heard the sound. And as I glanced to my right I saw something move. It was just about completely dark. And there was a stench in the air. That was absolutely putrid. It smelled of rotten guts and urine. I figured it was a rotten carcass of a dead animal. And then as I was shining my flashlight, a deep guttural growl, like a raccoon would make came from the area I heard the rustling sound. So I showed my light over towards the sound and I saw eyes about five and a half feet off the ground. The eyes were red in color and we're very shiny. The thing I saw didn't have paws on the front. They were long arms and head and head hands with claws. It really didn't freak me out as a lot of critters have red eyes when exposed to light. Then this thing stood up on two legs. And this thing was really tall, eight to eight and a half feet. It growled again and literally turned around and walked away to the south. I thought it had I thought I had crapped myself. I came back home and my dad asked Where was the wood and I said I didn't feel well and was going to bed. I went out the next day to look around the area. I heard the noise. I found only a deer skin and the rest of the deer was gone, including the head. Also to neighbors of mine had heard very eerie howls coming from my family's woods, saying they only come at dusk. They have been in the area for 50 plus years and said they have never heard a sound like the one that they heard. And one more thing I set apples out for the deer every week and noticed the other day that all the apples are gone. And a rock was in every place where there was an apple. That's weird. I have a trail cam on the area as I write this. I also found some tracks that looked like a huge Wolf's there used to be deer around here at all the time I had a herd of 50 or so. Now you're lucky to see one or two? It's like they disappeared. Been really strange around here for the last couple of years. And I don't know what to think about it. In all three of my encounters, the thing I saw reminded me of a werewolf. I no longer go near those woods. I was told by a family member that a lot of the wooded acreage is Indian burial grounds. I don't share this with very many people at all in fear of getting laughed at or called crazy. Thank you for contacting me back. And I hope I have enough detail on my encounters. Yeah. Wow. That's That's great detail. So I'd say that Brad did well in furnishing details, and he was quite certain that the creatures we saw were canines to aspects the fact that one of the creatures seemed to be moving through the treetops, and also the exchanging of rocks for apples are suggestive of Bigfoot, action and behavior. But who am I to say that a wolf like creature couldn't do the same, especially considered that its paws were more like hands with long claws. I was impressed that the legend like existence of local Native American burials Brad had mentioned turned out to have factual basis with the tragic historic massacre of the area's Potawatomi and its core. That's the massacre of the Indian tribe in the area. Some researchers believe that large scale traumatic events imprint themselves not only on the psyches of survivors, but on something in the landscape itself, resulting in Tales of haunted places and ghostly animals. I think of the battlefields of Gettysburg, for instance, and the numerous sightings of ghostly soldiers and other apparitions reported there after civil war. Civil War took 1000s of lives at that scene. Although I agree with Brad that the creatures involved sound like upright canines, they had some traits that are usually associated with places where shamanic ritual likely occurs, often near Native American lands as we discussed earlier regarding the UT skinwalkers, and creatures believed to be shapeshifters. In these cases, the eyeshine is usually read instead of the canine standard yellow or yellow green, interesting, the paws look more like hands and the creatures height is often estimated at eight feet or more. The fur is usually but not always black, and the creature may have actual shoulders, which ordinary canines lack, and which are needed in order to truly swing through trees. The putrid stench comes standard with all models, whatever Brad saw, these were all powerful creatures that I wouldn't personally wish to share a farm with. I must note that none of them actually threatened him physically, however, they just took off as upright canines usually do. And if they were really, if they really were somehow connected to the massacre, burial grounds, I'd be surprised if they didn't still take an occasional world through the trees, just to check up on things now. And then.
Nikola Hristov Victorious 1:22:57
Yeah, man, this story, I have to say it was one of the best stories I've reread tonight. Lengthy, a lot of details, I appreciate those little details because combining my job and combining seemingly irrelevant small details in the gospels, this is one of the things we use in the textual criticism. And when we speak about reliability of the Gospels, which was supposed to be tonight's topic, very funny. You know, these seemingly little small details they actually add to the credibility of the story, the same thing the Gospels are with us. So I like those small details. Or this was not like an actual like regular Kevin, but it was Paul or like what he said, or like, this was like, not at this time, but it was exactly at something like an at the end was two he could have or she could have, you know, just circle the put zero or five at the end not to like all these small little details. I just appreciate them. It just contributes to the story. Okay. Red Hill werewolf of hackers town, huh? Okay. There are many other preset precedents for such connections between historic events in the appearance of strange animals. One example that occurred in the early 1980s was sent to me a few years ago by a resident of Hagerstown, Maryland, he wrote. Growing up, my father always told me stories of the werewolf of Red Hill. My dad and his friends since I was a small child have sworn they used to see what looked like a werewolf on this mountain they call red hill because the clay is red. They have a story that they went looking for it in the daylight and they came across some caves, and they got rope and flashlights and a gun and went to explore the caves. Inside they found all kinds of Indian drawings and in some areas you had to squeeze through narrow passages to climb up ledges. This is where things grew spooking, as the men and I will say good because we're about to enjoy. As the man continued climbing the ledges something unknown shout out of the rock crevices and grabbed the man's uncle's wrist. He managed to break free. And the pair hastily left the caves. The writer added, my dad and his friends aren't the type two lie about, about things like this. They have a good many incidents that occurred with this thing. This area is very historical, and a lot of battles have taken place. So there's a lot of supernatural happenings around this town. Yeah, but this should exclude still goes because Ghosts don't take physical forms. So this is something different, right? I checked around and could not find a specific reference to the Red Hill werewolf. So it may be just a localized legend that would require some on site deep digging and interviews to document properly. I did however, discovered there there is an old graveyard, man, it's always Indians. It's always graveyard. It's always like, like, there's a pattern in all these different stories is like, yeah, hopping, you know, abilities. Sounds in the woods. It's like, like I can I can see a pattern. For sure. So he says I did however, discover there is an old graveyard known as the Red Hill Cemetery near the site of a church on Red Hill Road. Again, we find here the cemetery werewolf combination. Hmm. That's interesting. Although it must be admitted that country cemeteries are not rare, and older ones that are not maintained, make fine hiding places for all types of wildlife. Okay, pause, then why do you think that cemeteries will be connected with werewolves if werewolves exist, where I mean, cemeteries are just a man that even corpses unless there's a fresh corpse, it's usually just skeletons, or maybe nothing that that the suit will be ashes. So, so werewolves, if they will exist, or the old man, they will not digging in eating these bones or ashes, whatnot. So there may be some other x. So let's say it sounds cannibalism, let's say they're not looking for food, in your, in your logic, and you're thinking, what would be that any of anything that is an entity that will be drawn to cemetery? I mean, I mean, yes, we know that cemeteries represent that, but still, what is it about this place that, you know, werewolves, or dog men would be attracted to? Like, why?
Dain Deutschman 1:27:58
Yeah, I don't know, the first thing that comes to my mind is just that association with death. You know, kind of the whole vulture thing. You know, vultures, any desert if you know that the ancient Israelites you know, sent as Oiselle the scapegoat out into the wilderness, sent him back to back to the demon, right and where he belonged, and they put their sins on him and sent the sins out to the back to the demon where they belonged. And then there's other passages about desert creatures that are associated with death. And you mentioned earlier, the associations with death. So I think there's something with that. An association with with death versus in association with life that you mentioned, the creatures, and the teeming forest and the beauty, you know, versus the the destruction and the silence and the fear, all associated with death. So I think there's something there. And then the other thing that came to my mind was the A NuBus, God, a Gyptian. God thing. I don't know, like, what the NuBus God represented, but I have some, I'm sure it had something to do with the afterlife. So I want to say that something about guarding something about guiding the dead after their die to the to the, to the underworld, and, you know, a cemetery in Wisconsin or wherever is gonna have people who were probably Lutherans, you know, not like, this isn't Ancient Egypt. So that's why that doesn't really make sense to me in some ways, but yet, you can see some of the clues there and the parallels there, too. What do you think?
Nikola Hristov Victorious 1:29:55
Honestly, I don't know. That's why I skew and then the next thing that bugs me even more is if this werewolf is supposedly the same werewolf that his dad saw. And now his son is seeing or witnessing. And this was 50 years ago. I have so many questions, if it's the same way, well, how can we did an age or die? Yeah, could it be something that is occultic or magical about this being that is, again, not just a furry creature, which like all the animals will age and eventually lose energy state and get sickly and die. So this is still very active. Very alive. Very, very strong being. So let's say it's the same werewolf, like, how long does it live? Can it reproduce? With whom if it's only one werewolf? In the case of giants, they say they were usually nails like are they female dog man and female werewolves?
Dain Deutschman 1:30:52
There are some stories in here a female dog, man, I noticed.
Nikola Hristov Victorious 1:30:56
Okay, see, I didn't know much about this. So I have questions like if it's this is the same werewolf? How can you live so long, and it's still so strong. And like, I'm just like, like, is there must be something occultic something forbidden, something evil, something impure, something magical that keeps it alive all these years, all these decades. And it's still so much energetic and alive. And it's like, like, it won't stop like, unless you kill it like it was continued existence. So it just makes me think it's a symbiosis. It's a it's like, it's a both like a spiritual entity. And physical entity or spiritual entity that chooses to manifest in in flesh, just the same thing like the angels were doing throughout the Bible. or so or even like the funnel once in Genesis six, and after that, so it seems like, you know, they, all these spiritual beings have the ability to manifest in flesh when they want to,
Dain Deutschman 1:31:59
yeah, which was when we weren't natural. Yeah. Predator, natural beings versus supernatural beings. Couple of things came to my mind while you were talking. One is the whole idea that demons The reason demons seek to possess people, is because they were once alive, right. So if you go by the view that demons are the spirits of the dead, naphthalene or the the Nephilim, for anyone who hasn't heard this, or the, the offspring of the, the angels who rebelled in, in first Enoch, and in Genesis six, they came, they descended off Mount Hermon, and they saw beautiful women, human women, and they took them and, and they had babies and the babies were giants, and they call them Nephilim. So the Nephilim died and their spirits remained on the earth, and because they're a fusion of Angel and flesh, they desire to have a body. And that's why they seek to possess humans. Well, a cemetery, what's a cemetery full of bodies, you know, so that's one thing that kind of, I don't know if there's a correlation there or not, but that popped into my head. And then I forgot my other point, maybe I'll think of it. But ya know, it's there's definitely patterns, you know, it's just like nothing quite, you can't quite connect all the dots, but there's definitely patterns.
Nikola Hristov Victorious 1:33:38
Okay, I'll continue my story because it's almost over the connection in the Maryland legends between historic battles hidden Native American rock art, old cemeteries, and the Red Hill werewolf makes me wonder again about the true nature of the wolf like creatures bred saw in Michigan. In both cases, the creatures appear to be flesh, fur and blood animals. But many Native American sources believe certain animals may have a dual nature. This is so talked about this, and I didn't even read. I didn't even read this part before. Wow. Yeah. The concept of spirit guardians. Oh, this is what you said about a novice, the concept of spirit guardians, keeping watch over burials is common in Native American beliefs and goes beyond the idea of an avenging spirit animal. So if some of these wolf like creatures had, or have dual nature, and if some of these have tasked to be guardian entities, maybe just maybe that's why they're not so aggressive towards people, but just give them the Luke one and left. Maybe other type of wolf like creatures are more aggressive. You know, maybe they have different jobs, positions, duties, you know, in this structure, it makes sense because the Satan, his kingdom has a structure humans have a structure. God has structure. So I think we're getting little by little more details. And I think this is very cool. Okay.
Dain Deutschman 1:35:19
I think that's yeah, there's definitely something to the structure comments you're making Yeah.
Nikola Hristov Victorious 1:35:28
Okay, and it goes beyond the avenging spirit animal, right, this book, The American Native American belief, as was the case with a witchy. Wolf discussed earlier. Other beliefs include spirit entities that can travel between morals to appear completely solid and physical. Again, this is like angels and fallen angels in the Old Testament, completely spectral or something in between, these will be different from the shapeshifters. See, they do have I mean, if this is true, who knows, but they do have different kinds of entities. So this will be different from the shapeshifters said to us, which ritual magic to go from human to animal as described above, if true, and of course, there is no way to prove the ability to hop between worlds with our present science, it would provide another explanation as to how the creature seems to be traveling through the trees, and also the non canine appearance of the long arms and hands, man, imagine, I know I'm getting getting crazy with my ideas. But imagine if we humans would be able to capture one of these beings and somehow to communicate with it and capture it. And if scientists will, will be able to access its mind and communicate. And if it if it it, whatever it is, would yield and reveal secrets, how much we would gain knowledge, but also what of that will be also secret knowledge that God would not want us to have? I'm just thinking, like, I know, it's a lot of sci fi and fantasy, and I'm okay with it. Because I love both theology and sci fi. Well, how much would it be like, wow, like, we learn this in this in this from investigating this beam? I'm just, you know,
Dain Deutschman 1:37:15
well, it's mean it's, I don't think it's a it's not a new idea, right? I mean, that's exactly what the Jewish people believed about the, the watchers and the giants that they taught them. And there's a list of things they taught him in first Enoch, right, and metallurgy and magic and how to make up and other things. So yeah, I think it's actually plausible if you take that view, you know, if, and, and like, for myself, I I don't know if I accept that as historical truth or if I view it as more accommodation, God's accommodation to ancient Jewish Jewish beliefs, but I'm open to it as being plausible as well, you know, so then why couldn't why couldn't something like that be here? And I'm sure it's happened. I mean, you've probably heard the stories about government programs kinda like we talked about earlier, trying to use a call ritual to communicate with the other side or do remote viewing or possibly contact entities and get knowledge. So I think I think this stuff does happen or at least I do think people are crazy enough to attempt it. And I say crazy enough because you know, there's a reason God like, prohibited the Israelites from practicing divination and stuff like that and talking to the dead it's because we don't know who we're talking to. It could be we don't know like if what its intentions are if it's and there's we have every reason to believe that the intentions are not good. So
Nikola Hristov Victorious 1:39:10
that reminds me of the stories of numerous exorcist a some of them stay away from getting too personal with demons once when they perform exorcism but some of them like to engage in dialogues with with demons when they're still possessing someone. So they like to communicate and ask questions and they for me, this is so naive. This axis is priests pastors, doesn't matter who they actually would believe when they ask a demon possessed human when to ask demon What's your name? What's your agenda? Tell us this and then write it down as if the demon How do you know it's speaking the truth? Well, if we ask it in the name of Jesus, you might speak truth. I mean, like, Okay, I understand I get it, but how can you lie on what you get? That's Amen And 200% like, I don't know how people's can, and then out of what they get as the answer, sometimes they change or alter their spiritual warfare tactics to accommodate to the next case is when people are demonically, possessed, and even write books, and they can offer these tools and I'm thinking, but how can you rely on this? Like, how can you know that this demonic entity is telling you the truth? You're not Jesus, that it was, you know, demonic creature would be shaking, they has to speak the truth, because but Jesus also knows what is true or not, you don't know you're just a human. So I think that people exaggerate what is their authority and ability in Christ just because we have different authorities God Jesus gave us. We're not super humans like it. I think sometimes people can get more. Their beliefs can be more sci fi than our beliefs who actually love sci fi, you know what I'm saying?
Dain Deutschman 1:40:58
Yeah, yeah. And it's, I think it's a tempting thing. I interviewed a ghost hunter one time. And he acts ghost hunter, I guess. But one of the things he said is he started out ghost hunting with this idea that he was going to approach it more from a scientific perspective. And as a Christian, he didn't think there was anything wrong with that. And I'm not saying if you're Christian, you can't go silent. But as far as his experience for him personally, he felt himself giving up some of his convictions as he went along, out of curiosity out of communicating through EVPs, and things like that with spirits to the point where he maybe started to accept and believe some things that he would normally not have as a Christian, because he kind of got sucked into it, you know, and I think there's something to that, like, even with the scripted stuff. I think it's important to to look at it and investigate it, and talk about it and try to understand it. But I also think, like, with a lot of things, right, there's a temptation or there's a kind of a danger, a little bit of a danger and sliding too far down the path sometimes. And that's not to say, I wouldn't be one to say, you know, avoid, avoid out of fear. Because I don't think we should be fearful when we we have Jesus. But yeah, we also have to be smart, I think and about it, too. I just kind of feel like, you know, kind of to your point. It's, it's, like, easy to get sucked in, I guess. Right. And then before you know it, you're sucked into far.
Nikola Hristov Victorious 1:42:49
Yeah, yeah. Thank you for that. I only have small paragraph left and then it's your turn. Gil. The alternative to the shapeshifter and realm Hopper model, is the possibility that a physical breathing group of bike pedal or bipedal canines live in the western edge of the Manistee National Forest. Other sightings bear out that possibility, and most witnesses are adamant the day so fully physical beings, the conjecture continues.
Dain Deutschman 1:43:26
Yeah. To me, the angels taken on flesh idea is definitely a connection here. Okay, you want me to go with the next one here? Yeah, yeah, please. All right, Tennessee twofer. Here's another report of an upright unknown kainate canids of the extra large kind. That also occurred only a few miles from what once was very active Native American hunting land for several different tribes, and is now known as Burgess Falls State Park. The four cascading waterfalls of this preserve would have made this a special and sacred area to the area's indigenous people. As our most fresh springs. The Sparta area was home to a tribe led by a noted chief named calf killer and was also situated near a charcoal lead mine, whose entry the area tribes kept secret and which was never found by the white settlers who searched mightily for it. Even more significant for our purposes, and shockingly so were the many ancient burial mounds located northwest of Sparta in the general vicinity of the encounters we are about to cover here. According to newspaper accounts and other records of the early 1800s. European settlers open mountains sprinkled all over this section of Wight county to discover that they can take giant skeletons between six and a half and eight feet tall, as well as pygmies have about 30 inches in stature. Wow. sophisticated pottery, artwork and other grave goods are removed. Along with the human skeletons. There were also bones of huge, huge feline found in a nearby cave with skeletal remains of other large animals. Such large scale desecration of burials. A very ancient people especially have such unusual individuals is often connected, as we've seen with later appearances of unknown creatures. For many more details on this County's fascinating history, see the website Daniel haston.com. That's da N ie l. H a s t o n.com. For a paper titled legends and stories of Wight County, Tennessee, between the astonishing grave remains and the park reserves splashed with great waterfalls. It's hard to imagine a more likely setting for anomalous beasts, whether guardian spirits, leftover energy spirits, or interested parties from distant realms. Here's a young woman's I wouldn't story name withheld on request. In 2002, and then again 2003, I saw something that can't be classified to my knowledge using zoology in northwest of Sparta, Tennessee. I saw this thing twice, once with a neighbor of mine, and once with my oldest brother, it was a strange experience that I will never forget. The first time I saw this creature was in August of 2002. I was spending the night at my friend's house and about two miles down. Fancher 's Mill Road from my parents farm on Tolleson town Road, only about five miles from the Burgess Falls State Park. It just so happened to be a full moon that night. And I remember this because it was an unusually large harvest moon. My friend and I went outside to smoke a cigarette without getting caught by her parents. being stupid young teenagers, we saw what appeared to be a cow out in the field behind her house and decided to try our luck at cow tipping. For readers not from dairy states cow tipping is supposed to as suppose the past time in which several people try to push a standing cow over on its side. It is considered a real legend by many who have researched the possibility since bovines can weigh between 14 104,000 pounds. The general consensus is that there's a slight chance that could happen though, if the targeted cow was asleep while standing on the hillside. The dismal odds do not seem to be hopeful young people that hopeful to prevent young people from attempting it. Originally, we were about 300 yards away from this animal and we were walking towards it. And when we got about 100 yards from it, this thing stood up on two legs and turns towards us. It was a light tan color not white, but certainly light enough to be clearly visible in the only moonlit with kind of shaggy hair, not short, like a cow's on all fours that appeared to be the size of a cow. But when it stood up this thing had to be nearly eight, eight feet tall. More than anything. I remember the feeling I got when I turned and looked when it turned and looked at us. It I felt like pray. Every nerve in my body told me to run and I did without looking back. My friend was faster than I was. But I remember hearing sort of painting behind me. I never looked back until we were at the house. And it was nowhere to be seen at that point. I don't know if it chased me or if I was hearing myself painting. We didn't stay to see anymore. We turned and ran as fast as we could back to her house and stayed inside for the rest of the night. About eight months later, early summer in 2003. My brother and I were on our way to Wilmer market driving down Simpson Road, about a mile from Highway 70. It was dusk out not quite totally dark, but most of the light had faded. A creature of the exact same color light almost Sandy tan color with shaggy fur, ran out from the woods from our right across the road about 15 feet in front of my brother's car and disappeared into a field on our left in about eight seconds. So it was very fast. I have never seen anything move so fast in my entire life. For the brief moment I was in our headlights. We got a look at it. And it's back was eye level with me as I was sitting in a Honda Accord. its back legs were jointed backwards and it moved like a dog. It had a pointed snout and pointy ears. It looked like a wolf except about a 400 pound Wolf. Its shoulders were higher than its back legs and had a long bushy tail. It ran by stretching its front legs all the way out and its back legs all the way out and brought them all together simultaneously. On the day my friend and I saw it it was huge Shaggy and its head didn't sit on top of its shoulders. Its neck almost appeared to be jutted forward. What I saw that day was more of a silhouette. However, the day my brother and I saw it it was absolutely beyond a shadow of a doubt, Wolf shaped, but the size of a horse. It was so fast, my brother did not even slam on the brakes. As soon as it was on the other side of the road, I remember him yelling, what the hell was that? We looked behind us to see it disappear into the wooded area of this field. This thing was so big, its feet only hit the ground once crossing the road. I still to this day, talk about it with my brother whenever we drive through the area. That was the last time I saw the creature. But about two more years after that in either 2005 or 2006. My brother and I went for a walk in a snowstorm. Again,
Nikola Hristov Victorious 1:50:38
I just want to ask you before you continue, yeah. First they saw the creature that is huge. Looks like a cow stands up is even bigger. Several months later, same person, but with brother sees seemingly the same creature, but it doesn't look like a cow anymore. It's still huge, still fast. Doesn't look like a cow. But it looks like a wolf. What do you think is happening?
Dain Deutschman 1:51:05
I don't know what to make of that. Other than you see something standing about the height of a cow that's standing out in a field. And you might think cow or a horse, because four legged animal in a field, you know. But other than that, I don't know what to make of that.
Nikola Hristov Victorious 1:51:24
But like, but if it is the same creature, it changes it has the ability to change, shape and form. That's Oh, if it's the same creature, I don't know. Yeah. To me, that's like, you cannot be a cow now and then a wolf later it? I don't know, if
Dain Deutschman 1:51:43
I see what you're saying, well, maybe it is the same creature. And, you know, it's just if these creatures are supernatural, and they have the ability to take on flesh, and they have the ability to take on whatever flesh they want to take. You know, the other thing is one of this, one of these people I know is telling me about some ghost experiences they had and part of her story involves a ghost having a long robe and like chains and stuff or something like that. And this the thought in my head was like, where do they buy their clothes in the afterlife? You know, I was just like, kind of joking a little bit. And but one of the things she said which I thought was really that's
Nikola Hristov Victorious 1:52:26
why they robbed they like to hang out around graveyards to rub, open graves and take people's stuff
Dain Deutschman 1:52:33
you got I think that might be it. I never thought of that. I
Nikola Hristov Victorious 1:52:37
should sell these ideas in there and make Indiana Jones in a creepy way Indiana Jones slash Lera craft combo with some horror elements sell, you know, sell this story to Hollywood make money, quit my job and just do podcasts until I die, I think right beautiful idea.
Dain Deutschman 1:52:56
I think you might have something there. But you better share some of the proceeds with me, since it was my story. But one of the things she said was like she thinks that entities choose how they want to present themselves to people based on whatever reason, you know, maybe if they know something about who they're showing themselves to, they might know that if they present themselves in a certain way it's going to affect them, it's going to produce more fear in them or it's going to provoke a certain action or decision. So I don't know. I mean, maybe that's part of this too, as far as how these creatures are showing themselves to people and maybe it can be different and in different circumstances based on whatever it is they're trying to get across. Whatever message it is they're trying to get across or whatever sense of fear they're trying to instill in people. But yeah, I don't know. Well, honest, the story here it was unusual because this is Tennessee, and we got about eight inches of snow and just a couple of hours. We were walking in some woods across the family farm and we found a skull. The jaw bone of the skull was about six inches tall, with the skull sitting on top of the jawbone and the whole head was about a foot tall. It was kind of our teeth in the front with grinding sort of molars in the back and it had an elongated snout. We ended up losing the skull several years later. Oh man. I'm still looking for it. The eerie part is that the skull looked like something weird hybrid between human skull and dog's skull. But about the size of a basketball
Nikola Hristov Victorious 1:54:38
I'm sorry how do you lose this call? Like huh
Dain Deutschman 1:54:41
yeah, that seems a little that seems a little not true to me.
Nikola Hristov Victorious 1:54:46
Well, I'm not going there that I don't believe them but I'm I'm just upset they lost it. That's my point. Like how do you move it? It's not a needle like big like, like unless Yeah, I mean, I misplaced and forget my stuff I know it happens but like come on this if this this was precious to you should have put it somewhere on top where you will never lose it or forget it.
Dain Deutschman 1:55:07
I know right? That's terrible. Shame on them. Yeah, I'm, I'm fully convinced that we saw those times what we saw those times was not a creature I know. And there's something about it that screamed werewolf to my subconscious. My brother and I have since become obsessed with werewolf movies and folklore. I only wish we had brought the skull home. We kept it in a particular nook in the woods because it was so alien. Okay, there you go. The only skull I have ever seen similar to this is a bear skull but I definitely was not a bear skull. I don't remember it making any sounds that day that I saw it but I have heard strange sounds when I was coming out on the farm. I find it really hard to describe the sound it was something between a baby screaming, a rabbit dying and this weird gravelly, machine like sound. That sounds like some of the Bigfoot cries I've heard on some documentaries. Now on this huge now on the scientific side of things my parents farm is in the area where there is a huge coyote population. There are at least two packs that run in our area. One of the packs seems to stay on our neighbor's farm and they regularly kill cows.
Nikola Hristov Victorious 1:56:20
You skip the line, one of the packs seem to stay on our farm. Oh,
Dain Deutschman 1:56:27
okay. One of the packs seems to stay on our farm most of the time, while the opposing pack seems to stay on our neighbor's farm. And they regularly kill cows. I have myself found calf skeletons that were eaten entirely, except for the bones and the head was still fully intact. In that same stretch of woods where my brother and I found the skull we also found about 30 Dog skulls. I mean, there's your cow connection. They're killing cows. So they're taking the form of a cow. I mean, maybe there's something with that.
Nikola Hristov Victorious 1:57:01
These are coyotes these are not like, you know supernatural beings. I mean, I don't know.
Dain Deutschman 1:57:05
Yeah, but the you know, the coyotes are a dog like creature killing cows. This is a dog like creature. Okay, you know, so maybe the fact that there's cows being killed and it's just it's kind of a parallel I feel like so let's see. So also this part is what I thought was weird is in the same woods. We also found a wallet with a driver's license, social security card, and a work ID in it. The license expired in 1985. It may be significant, or it may be that some Hunter lost his wallet in the woods. My brother who found the skull with me and I are convinced that there is something out there that hasn't been scientifically proven yet. I'm so thrilled to talk to someone who doesn't automatically look at me like I'm crazy for this. Well, obviously the werewolf man took off his wallet and closed before he turned into a werewolf, right?
Nikola Hristov Victorious 1:58:00
It could be
Dain Deutschman 1:58:02
Yeah, so the eyewitness is correct about my perception of her. I certainly don't think that she is reality challenged because she had these two experiences. There have been other sightings in Tennessee of dog men and Bigfoot. Both of these creatures canine and a humanoid, have been observed by witnesses to take and or eat smaller dogs. So the fact that she and her brother saw 30 Dogs skulls along with the larger proximately basketball sized skull doesn't surprise me. Usually the skulls of large carnivores can be identified by a zoo ologists wildlife specialist or taxidermist. One other thing that may be worth noting is that these latter three reports involve larger than usual specimens which with witness a comparisons to the size of a horse or a cow. As I continue to receive reports of massive quadruple, quadruple beetle kill canines. We'll be coming back to them in another chapter. I might add that her encounter and interactions comprise only one of many reports of large anomalous creatures in Tennessee, about a half hour's drive south of Sparta, for instance, lies McMinnville, where a Bigfoot encounter as told in my book monsters among us occurred. We've talked about possible origins, increasing numbers of these creatures, but in the next chapter, we'll take another run of them with a significantly different slant. And that's the end of chapter five. Now
Nikola Hristov Victorious 1:59:28
we've finished the whole chapter five, and we had a lot of fun. And, and yeah, I'm glad we did everything. Okay. I don't know your time. I was just thinking about reading this small chapter in another book by myself. We can comment then you can say the story you wanted to say and we can wrap up if you have time. Sure.
Dain Deutschman 1:59:47
Yeah, that works. Which one? Which book?
Nikola Hristov Victorious 1:59:52
So we're now switching to the same author right Linda Godfrey. The book is called Real Wolfman. We will live the second one that we plan to read we will read it for some other time I wanted to read about Bigfoot in Chicago right but I will be reading a sub chapter from real wolf men and sub chapter is called naval base a new beasts Naval Station Great Lakes North Chicago, Illinois. Okay. Men wolf witnesses as they report their encounters often resort to comparisons of no cultural figures to help describe what they saw one familiar image surfaces time and again, a No BS a creature resembling the tall yard long snouted a new base has been reported in some very unlikely places. But the strangest location of all was a sighting made by three military personnel at the Great Lakes Naval Base north of Chicago so I think she mentioned this story in smaller details in the book we just finished but here's with no details so I you know, it's nice cross referencing slash paralleling you know story for this episode. Yeah, the 1600 28 acre Naval Station Great Lakes lies close to the shore of Lake Michigan within an easy trot of the Illinois State Beach Park and other green spaces, including some just in the north in southeastern Wisconsin. The base itself includes the Great Lakes Naval Hospital, and the Old Naval Hospital cemetery. Emma, the witness who wrote me was on base guard duty one cold night in September 1994. We two male guards, Jim and John, I remember these guys, a member of the Navajo Nation John is now her husband. The three were assigned to shore patrol which she said mostly men carrying big flashlights. Okay, we didn't know this from before, and looking for recruits engaged in our in our morose How do you pronounce this? Amorous in an amorous activities in the woods. She admitted that they had sometimes played pranks on each other, such as leaving a radio set to broadcast static in the base cemetery, man did I like these pranks, but sometimes they can be too much right? Especially if it's late at night. Yeah, but there was no fooling around on this particular evening. That night started out normally. That's how it always starts in every movie in every story and every every book starts just like every other day, right? That's right, things began to get strange. Around 3am ama was patrolling the shore path. In this weird, so called witching hour, Jean was near the hospital. And John was at a spot on the other side of the breakers are the breakers How do you pronounce this?
Dain Deutschman 2:03:08
I think breakers Oh breakers okay. I think
Nikola Hristov Victorious 2:03:12
Emma and John had been bantering via radio all evening when suddenly he stopped answering. Alarmed Emma herd to the end of the shore path where she saw the six foot three John shaking and his mouth agape as he stared at the woods. Emma train her flashlight on the trees expecting to see some kind of animals such as a bear or Fox. I don't think he'll be shaking it Fox but okay, but instead saw a creature that stood taller than John standing on its hind legs and staring at them. Am I radio Jim? To get his I don't know if I should pronounce this word but let's say he's but over here. As John numbly repeated the term Skinwalker which is what the Navajo, right the Navajo Indians, and some other tribes called medicine men, were able to assume the appearance of an animal. Usually the man never the malevolent purposes can never heard about this expression medicine man, right? Oh,
Dain Deutschman 2:04:24
yeah, Medicine Man is basically a shaman in Native American Tribal tribalism. Okay,
Nikola Hristov Victorious 2:04:34
thanks. Emma said she remembered the animal as resembling the unobvious character in a 1997 TV cartoon show called mummies alive. She added that it reminded her of a big man with an odd doglike head that had tall upright ears and greeny yellow eyes. It was covered in dark yellowish gray sharp Fish for and she could see the long four limbs, but not the pause. It was definitely not a bear or any other animal she knew of said Emma. And though she felt that it was physically present, she could not see the creatures breath in the cold. Although she could see her own. Oh my gosh. This is definitely at least partially a spiritual entity, right? Yeah. Otherwise, if it's called every animal, every human being, you know, you can see their breath in the call, right? I got no impression that it was spiritual. She said, Well, I did. And although animals raised in New Jersey is Pine Barrens area, which is famed for its weird flying cryptid called The Jersey Devil. That creature never enter her mind as she gawked at the unknown thing at the edge of the woods. The stare down, stopped when Jean came running toward John and Emma's position. The creature seemed a bit startle, Emma said, describing its reaction thus, the thing looked over, puffed up kind of like a cat and took off. But more upright than all of them on all fours. That's interesting. I find the observation that it puffed up kind of like a cat. Interesting. In light of the Doberman Lynx reports from California and never heard about that. That's even more insane. Dauberman Lynx reports. Related like Lynx is a wild cat Doberman is it oh, that's insane. But Emma, John and Jean. Jean saw the creature only from the rear as its as it departed, duly filed reports on the strange beasts beast, and then suffered the usual harassment from fellow shipmates. Yeah, he was really killed. Yeah. Emma said the rear ends up on her arms when she thinks about the creature that and that John maintains to this day that it was a skinwalker I also couldn't help noticing the sighting was in the direct vicinity of a seminary, which not only is often a part of a citing surroundings, but also relates to a new base and his role as a guide and protector of the abode of the dead. Yes, we got more connections, some might cast a suspicious eye at the large military hospital as well. In regard to the previously mentioned idea of human alien hybrids, hybrids, sorry hybrids, and wonder if the creature was an escapee from some extraterrestrial breeding program. On it, this is too much sci fi for me. I love it from one point but from other points I'm like, I don't think that's super credible. But whatever. It is true that the base has also been the site of UFO reports. One describe in a 2008 issue of UFO Magazine involved the 12 year old child of an officer who was living on the base in 1963. The boy the boy was playing outdoors with his siblings when the group saw a huge saucer shaped craft with spinning lights on the underside, descending levels and silently. They watched for between five and 10 minutes as it slowly landed in a patch of woods across the street from their quarters. The writer said he wanted to run and see it, but it was gripped by the feeling that if he did, he might not come back. That's a good gut feeling always listened to that. Even though I can't say I always listened to that. But added to the creature sightings, this type of activity suggests the bass may be located in another of those paranormal widow window areas. But on behalf of those who argue that this creature is a natural Wolf, adapted to walk upright. Who would claim that that's that's pure nonsense. I must point out that this area along Chicago's shoreline follows what looks like a great Lake Merritt migratory path when all the non sightings are mapped out. Yeah, there is also this so called Lake Michigan or Chicago math man. And I tried to get in touch with the guys who made this documentary and never responded. They're not Christians, but I wouldn't care so much. I just wanted to have them on the path case for an episode and I hope one day I'll get in touch with them. The Bee's Knees may have been just passing through you through on its way to Oklahoma, Alabama or Amazon Jersey pine barons, wherever he was. Three naval base guards make very credible witnesses in my view, especially since they were willing to file official reports with full knowledge of the raising or high I don't know how to pronounce razzing.
Dain Deutschman 2:10:21
Like, yeah, basically, scalding make really making fun of ridiculing early Yeah.
Nikola Hristov Victorious 2:10:29
So with the full knowledge of the razzing that would
Dain Deutschman 2:10:34
and ensue or come to pass. Okay. So
Nikola Hristov Victorious 2:10:39
basically, um, wow. Again, I love the details that they provide, because it makes the story more credible. And now we're giving more details than the first time we read. It wasn't a prank. It involved three soldiers. The context is given when it comes to a new basis, The Guardian, and the cemetery, we see so many similarities, but I want to ask you Dain What was that weird supernatural story that you wanted to save? You remember when we started the episode?
Dain Deutschman 2:11:15
Oh, oh. Oh, in Wisconsin? Yeah. Well, so we went out there to the house on the rock, it's called. And the house on the rock, this guy and eccentric pert man in the I think the 60s, built this house on the side of a rock that kind of jets out into the ravine. And it has tons and tons of rooms. And it just goes on and on and on. And he has collections of a bunch of stuff in there like he. I mean, he has doll collections and machines. And you can ride through in a little, little manmade River and I can't even describe it. There's so much stuff. It's kind of weird. It's kind of an odd, like if you're into you know, like Ripley's Believe It or Not type museums and stuff like that. It's kind of along those lines, in some ways. But anyways, it's kind of a creepy place, but it's just kind of a fun, weird place to. So we went in here. And anyways, we stayed in this hotel nearby. It's called house on the rock in anyway, we pull up to this hotel, it's kind of dreary out the whole time we're there. It's kind of dreary, like there's no sun. And the parking lots almost empty, and we walk in. And the employees are just like pale and odd looking. Almost zombie like, and they just stare at us. And we talk to them. We ask them questions, and they have really weird responses. Like we asked them like, are we the only ones here? And they're like, well, we can't share that information with you. And we they would there'd be long pauses between when we like ask the question or ask them a question or talk and when they answered and they kind of had dry responses, and it was just the weirdest thing. Have you seen the shining, right? The movie The Shining? So the hallways were a lot like that the shining like I was swear like there'll be an apparition in the hallway and stuff. It was just it was crazy. And anyways, I got on this group, I'm I'm on this Facebook group strange, Wisconsin. And it's all these things. People talk about strange things happening in Wisconsin, and I just told the story on a post and there was a bunch of people hopped in and said, Oh, yeah, that's a haunted hotel. And so anyways, I can't remember why I was going to tell you that.
Nikola Hristov Victorious 2:13:52
I think we were talking about Yeah, when we started talking while reading this fifth chapter from the previous book, the whole chapter dedicated to werewolves and dog, man. And then the first. Well, one of the beginning up paragraphs mentions Wisconsin is the central point. So I said, well, not only the 70s show reminds me of Wisconsin, but also when I went to this Bristol Renaissance Fair, which I said festival I couldn't remember the name. So I said these things remind me of Wisconsin news. And then you said, Oh, I have an interesting story about Wisconsin that you think about Wisconsin, you know, if it comes when it comes to your mind,
Dain Deutschman 2:14:30
yeah, Wisconsin has got a lot of paranormal stuff. And what was I heard that there was a statistic I heard recently about Wisconsin. I think it was something something about the paranormal but yeah, anyways, it's the hotspot Wisconsin's a hotspot for paranormal activity.
Nikola Hristov Victorious 2:14:58
Yeah, it seems to me that A lot of things that just happen in the United States because it's a huge country combined with 50 states, there are always a few things that happen they're like, so they're like almost a pattern to hate. Expect some insane things. It's always a small rural town, place rich region. So it's not a city, it always has tons of major forest trees. And it's always close to something that used to belong to Native Americans or Indians. It's like, I see these things easily, like whenever there's something paranormal or urban legend or whatnot, like, at least few of these things, you can expect a repeat when I was younger, you know, watching by I mean, when I say younger, I don't mean a teenager, but a little bit younger. I was always thinking, and this made me upset like, Why do all these horror movie producers make you know their movies to be usually in small towns? Like why is that sometimes in city where you can actually get a gun call cops or soldiers like someone can help you there's a monster something. But learning more about the divine cause Council learning more about all these entities, they show like in force in nature, it makes more sense. So like the movie producer used to make movies according to this urban legends, and usually they're in this rural places with a lot of graveyards and caves and forests and stuff like that. So it makes it makes sense. Yeah. Yeah,
Dain Deutschman 2:16:27
that's true. Yeah. Yeah. I, you know, you, you talked earlier about where you were telling the story where the person said, I know what I saw, you know, and it was real to that person. And, my, my wife when so when we were first married, not too long after we were first married, my wife and I were sitting in our living room. And the stairs to the upstairs level of the house were to our right. About, you know, maybe 2030 feet in the hallway. But we could kind of from the corner of our eye, we could see this the landing and the stairs that would go upstairs. And we were sitting there we were kind of facing, you know, forward and the stairs were over here. And all of a sudden, on the corner my eye. And we both saw this, we see a black figure. Right kind of run down the stairs, push there, put their hand on the banister, as if to anchor their weight, flip around. And then the hallway went that way, and run down the hallway. And I you know, I saw this out of the corner of my eye. So I didn't see it dead on. But we both saw it. And we both heard the creek of the stairs as they were putting their weight on the banister and flipping around and running down the hallway. And I don't remember hearing footsteps down the hallway. But we both saw this at the same time. And I thought there was some in the house. I mean, we had kids and I was I grabbed the baseball bat. And I was ready to be in a fight with somebody. I checked every door. Every closet, I walked out, I looked down the street, looked around the backyard under bushes and everything. I was convinced that was a basement. Basement, like We looked everywhere, like I and we both thought there was someone in the house, but you know, and then thinking back on it, we realized like there were no features. It was a black shape. And it was really quick. It was too quick that they could have gone anywhere. But we still remember it was real. And my wife had had has had some experiences too. So anyways, some other experiences. But so you know, I tell that story. And I know what happened. I know it was real. I know what I saw. We both saw it at the same time. And there wasn't there was nobody there. You know, we never heard the door shut to the back door to the garage, we they would have had to open the door and leave the house didn't hear any of that it was complete silence after that. So but so that's why when I hear these werewolf tales, or any of these cryptid tales, I believe, I usually believe them when they're telling it because you know, I've experienced some of that. More of a ghost type experience than a cryptid type experience. But yeah,
Nikola Hristov Victorious 2:19:35
I have a couple of short questions for what you said. Your kids were never injured, right? Hurt. No. Okay. Did they also witness hearing dreaming? Talking maybe to some entity that was like a dark shadowy figure or no? Yeah, my
Dain Deutschman 2:19:54
kids have had experiences. Dreams. They've had dreams. names, you know, occasionally, more when they were younger. And my one daughter has seen a shadow figure in the hallway once. Yeah. And my wife actually saw a bright white, humanoid figure, come out of a ditch and in front of her car, when she was driving home from a party one time, it was like, as bright as the whitest light you can think of. And it was shaped kind of like a human. And so she saw that. And then one time, after we gotten together, she was driving out to where I lived. And she drove up and she said, Oh, you must have been up in the bathroom. And I'm like, No, I've been here on the kitchen on the main level all night. Because she said, when she was driving up the lane, she was looking up at the bathroom window. And someone went like this. And looked out, like they were looking out the window at who was coming up the lane, she saw the shadow of the head, just kind of went like this. And then went back. And I was never upstairs the whole night like, and I was the only one there. So we've had a few things happen. Yeah,
Nikola Hristov Victorious 2:21:19
okay, my question. My next question is, could it be that your house if you have any historical record? Was a build on something that was there in the past, like a graveyard or mass murder of the natives? Or maybe not on top of that line, but very close? Do you know something about it? Well, these were
Dain Deutschman 2:21:40
in different places. Her sighting of the white figure was out at a by a farm were actually a man had recently died. I think the day before or even the day of that, she saw that the brother of the man she was going to see I think it was the brother had gotten, I think a forklift accident or some kind of accident farm accident or something. And so that happened. The head bob one, we lived out at a farm where there was a marsh. Like, you know, a marsh is like a swamp land with the reeds and stuff. And then there was a lane that we would drive up to get to the house. But there was Marsh on either sides. There was a family that lived there. In the I think the 30s, or the 40s. And one of the the men, either the son or something of the family drowned in the marsh, on his way home from the liquor store one night, so that we thought that maybe had something to do with it. And then yeah, I mean, the house with the shadow figure, the one shadow figure, we don't know of any history there. That the shadow figure that my my daughter saw was here in this house. And as far as I know, I mean, this was a pig pasture. Before the house was built here in 1956, a pastor did live here for 20 some years, and there's been, I think, four or five families. I don't know if anyone's died in the house or anything like that. But we haven't had really any activity other than that, but um, you know, I'll, I'll often get dreams or have feelings, and I'll just pray about it. And I've, it feels better. So I do think that there's, you know, sometimes there's activity, for whatever reason. But for me, it's, I'm very confident in in my faith and my relationship with Jesus. So I just use his name and I, I pray to him and I tell the evil to depart in the name of Jesus, and I tell the evil that I'm, I'm, I belong to Jesus, and you know, he's my Savior, and I love him and you have no business being here, and you need to go away now. And that's usually that's how we've comforted our children when they had dreams. And that's how I comfort myself. And you know, at the night, I'll wake up sometimes at 3am and have have things going through my head or have a feeling, you know, it's not something that happens all the time, but it does happen occasionally. And, and I do use prayer to deal with it. So, have you had any experiences or
Nikola Hristov Victorious 2:24:52
nothing like that i My sister and I had just cases of sleep paralysis. Oh, wow. Yeah, yeah. To me, it happened first time when I was back home in Europe after just after I just became a believer. So I always thought that was like a demonic attack. But then there's this medical explanation why, you know, sleep paralysis happens. And once when I had the guy who you suggested Doug overmeyer, whom I also met in person, what I had him for two episodes, he says, I think he said, well, it doesn't have to be there. Or it can be both. That can be both medical reasons and spiritual reasons. So I'm like, Okay, that's interesting. So yeah, I had that. But I wanted to say, because we mentioned Ward Heaney, at the beginning of this episode, he was here as my guest at the beginning of August. And I interview him, especially because of this documentary mini documentary. It's actually Docu series of five episodes he he made called Dark holer.
Dain Deutschman 2:26:00
And I watched it, it was, it was great. Yeah, yeah.
Nikola Hristov Victorious 2:26:04
So I was dark color. I don't know if you did if you watch both dark color. And when I interviewed him, he speaks a lot about this shadowy figure. And this is why I wanted to tell you, before we finish for tonight, I would just encourage you, I know you're busy with studies, but whenever you find time, maybe rewatch the episode I did with him. Or when we watched those five episodes of the, of the dark horror, maybe with your spouse, and what and learn how these people that he was interviewing in, you know, in his state, we're having constant problem from different generations in this family on this shadowy figure, being home being a certain house, but also outside learning, observing what not showing up. It's, it's in the many movies you'll you'll see. So I would just say movie, listening to him and people he's interviewing from their perspective, maybe you will learn more about this shadowy figure in your experience, because it sounds I don't know if everything is the same, but it sounds similar.
Dain Deutschman 2:27:11
Yeah, it does. I did watch that series. I didn't watch every single moment of it. I actually fast forwarded through some of it, but I did watch most of it. And I told my wife, we need to watch this because it's good. Yeah, it's really interesting. And I think what's cool about it is, it's, um, you know, it's not just like a documentary. It's, it's like interviews with a family that has had these generational issues. And then, as they're talking into the family and interviewing it, they're discovering more things, the more people they talk to. Weird stuff happened with their parents and their parents, parents. And it's connected with other stuff happening in the area that they grew up in. And there's there's intergenerational trauma, kind of weaved in with it. I noticed. And yeah, it's a it's a really good series, I highly recommend it. I still need to sit down watch with my wife. We'll probably do that sometime.
Nikola Hristov Victorious 2:28:16
Yeah, I watched two times first, just because I was curious, of course, but I had to the second time when I was having him because I wanted to write an outline. And I to try to be, you know, semi professional. I don't want to say I'm professional, but at least I tried to try to be semi professional when I had my guests to write the, you know, decent outlines, and I cannot do it if I don't know anything. So I have to research Yeah. But then I'm so thankful you dedicated two and a half hours to me and to us, it's more than I expected. I'm sorry. You took time from your family and from your studies. I know you're so busy in your master's program. I'm looking forward when you come and we can talk about some theological topics I've really enjoyed I wouldn't know how I would have done this without like your help or anyone else but especially because this seems so well between us to go so well. It's like I feel like like we did this almost like couple times before like it went well. The partnership was there understanding even some humor, biblical references mythological references thinking and you know stopping occasionally to ponder what was happening visualizing I really enjoyed this episode. I honestly it felt not like work because sometimes have I feel this pressure like when I have some guests I'm like, really prepare I have to only have my Notes References for this was like really, you know, like, let me just do this and let let me just hang out. It's like I'm hanging out with my with some friends in my house. So again, I'm very thankful for your time. I'm looking forward to have you not just once Whenever you're available, we can repeat the same thing. But at least we can speak about something more theological. Next time. I wish you happy holidays. I wish you and your family, all protection from evil. God will always be with you, among you, in your home. blessed you, and you know, all the godspeed in your work in your ministry, school. job seeking health, and everything else.
Dain Deutschman 2:30:31
Well, thank you. Yeah, I wish the same for you, buddy. I wish you success and all you're doing with your podcast and and I know you've finished school and now you're working on just what to do with what you learned and stuff. And I just hope that that all works out for you. And I'm definitely praying for you as well. So I like what you're doing with the podcast. I
Nikola Hristov Victorious 2:30:54
think it's cool. So thank you kindly. It was great. Yes. Likewise. Thank you and I'll see you. I want to say soon soon because January is coming very soon. You just several weeks. So I will see you soon again. And I believe it will be a blessing to the viewers. Thank you again.
Dain Deutschman 2:31:15
Yeah, thank you. See you
“Prime Video: Werewolves Unearthed.” Accessed November 21, 2023. https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Werewolves-Unearthed/0GDXZ1OLRVBZKT975P5QPMGQYO.
I don’t have time to finish spell check and linking/footnoting the entire commentary right now 11/21/2023. But, I will work on it gradually over the course of the next few weeks. Thanks for your patience! :)